Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Went back to Dr. yesterday. My "wound" has really healed well. No longer need to pack it two times a day but just put some Neosporum on it and cover. I go next Monday for my next CT/PET scan which will find out if there are any tumors remaining. If all clear I'll go into a clinical trial of immune-therapy. If more lymph nodes are positive then more surgery. If it's gone to other places then we do some kind of chemo or some other ugly thing.

We are getting ready for Thanksgiving. Mom, Allen and Sonnie will be coming up tomorrow. Gotta go get the turkey today and the pies tomorrow. I told Rose that I would do the cooking. She has always done the thanksgiving cooking. The pressure is on!

The farm is doing well. The new garden committee has been busy with prep work. The heifers have gone to market. The chickens are producing again. Michael and Jack have been out riding their horses. Annie has been taking care of her medical problems. Bill has been taking care of Annie. Don has been doing better and Susan has been doing the mother hen thing. Peggy has been taking care of her kids and family while Ray tries to fit in farm activities. Theresa has finally gotten approval to begin work on her PhD Thesis and Smith is very busy with his middle school group. They were here on the farm last weekend learning all kinds of stuff. The Hauss family is very busy with house remodeling. The Neitchie's have finally moved in to their new log house. Jan is doing the hiking thing with a new group of people while Mike makes the two hour one way trek to norther Va. to his teaching job. Bill D. has been out replacing some fence line around the pond where it is always very wet. The Higgins have been busy with kid activities, soccer and band. So basically we all have a hole lot to be thankful for here on the farm.

1 comment:

E. M. Atwater said...

Hey, Bud!
So pleased to hear your recovery is good, though we'll just keep you in the prayers for while, OK?

Hey, your farm is just fascinating - Could you/would you do a blog to explain kinda in depth what it is, where it is, how it started, how it runs, etc?
