Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Four Day Vacation

The saga continues ... when I went back to the doctoe on Monday they removed one of the drains from my left side. Everything looked ok. Tuesday morning I woke up and found that the other two drains had lost suction and the drainage was happening out of the incision and down my leg. I tried until Thursday to keep everything dry but was having no luck so I called the doctor and went in for an appointment on Friday morning. The wound had opened and had begun to get infected so back into the hospital (another Four Day Vacation) for massive antibotics and wound care. They decided to put a "wound vac" on me. It's a small vacuum that compresses the opening and removes the drainage. I went back to doctor yesterday for check and he is really happy with the wound progress. Probably another two to three weeks of vacuuming my leg. I'mfeeling pretty good and can get around again.

Mother nature is taking care of the farm ... cows are beginning to have their fall babies. Ray and Peggy just became grandparents again. The trees are just beginning to show signs of changing color. Susan and her three daughters spent the other day eating dim sum and shopping in Leesburg. Bill Dictel's doctor son just had his second heart operation and is doing well. Some dog's attacked and killed some of Malou's sheep. Deiter has cleaned out the chicken coop and it is spic and span and the farm fresh eggs are flowing again. The garden has been cleaned up and awaiting compost to be tilled in. Five new pregnant cows were delivered late last week so we should have a good crop of spring cows. Bill Bohn has been trying to keep up with the fences while his small trailer seems to have disappeared. The sun is out and it is a beautiful day.

It amazes me at how lucky I have been during this health battle. Friends and family have been absolutely fantastic in their support. The food keeps coming and Rose is crying uncle (she is gaining weight). It is not easy for me to be the center of attention and accept all of the help that has been offered. But it means a lot to both Rose and me ... we can feel the love. Calls and e-mails from friends and co-workers have brightened my days. I even got an e-mail from an old friend and co-worker (Paul) and found out two weeks later that he has been in the hospital undergoing pancreatic (sp) cancer surgery. That is some serious stuff. When I commented to my doctor that 9 hours was a long operation he said that the pancreatic surgery lasted 16-18 hours. So, Paul my preyers are with you and hope you have a quick recovery!

I think I may write a brief essay on what I think is important in life and what I believe. That could be the end of this blog!!!! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Roger,

Thanks for the update

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Sully