Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tubeless at last!

Since the last post I've had all drain tubes removed including the vacuum. I still need to repack the left side wound two times a day but that seemes to go real well. The doctor says I can do pretty much whatever I want to do but should not overdo anything. I find that sitting for extended periods gets pretty uncomfortable but other than that I feel great. With all the time I have had to think, I have decided that the melanoma on both occasions was brought on by the use of Lamisil. Twenty five years ago when the three freckles grew into the first melanoma I was taking lamisil. Twelve to 18 months ago I took Lamisil. I believe that for me, lamisil equals melanoma. I don't know how it does it but I am pretty sure that it does! Now, how scientific is that conclusion? I actually filled out an online report to the FDA letting them know of my discovery.

I've begun the preliminary work on building a double bass. Because the wood costs so much I'm going to practice on some 2x lumber before I make the commitment. I could buy a nice laminated bass for less than the parts for a carved bass will cost. I have begun making templates and will soon begin construction of the "inner form" which is needed to construct the bass.

Rose, Don, Lenord, Susan and I made a trip over to Graves Mountain Sunday and picked up some peach wine from Rose River Winery (a very small operation).

I also signed myself and Rose up for a 7 day bluegrass cruse (with Cherryholmes). It departs Flordia in the middle of February.

Looking forward to Jenny coming down for a visit this week. It will be the first time that she has visited the farm as Mrs. Ruberto.


Anonymous said...

Hey Roger,

Thanks for the update.. Sully

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the update. As you can tell, I am having trouble with placing a comment but I think I have it figured out!

Anyway, I can see that you will be busy this weekend so I will visit some other time.


Anonymous said...

Lamisil? Hmm.. what else solves the problem it does? Perhaps due to genectics I should avoid it...