Thursday, March 01, 2007

No creativity found ...

I am posting this only under duress...I haven't been able to find the creative juice since the last post so here is some uncreative cancer status.

I started chemo yesterday. It took form 8:30 in the morning until 7:00 in the evening. Of course that included blood test and doctor exam and a lot of waiting. The chemo is a combo of Carboplatin and Paclitaxel. The Placlitaxel comes first and has some major side effects in about 20% of patients and I hit the lottery. After the first few minutes my chest felt like an elephant was sitting on it and my lower back felt like an ice pick was being stabbed in with every heart beat. The nurses were right on it and had all that under control with IV Benedril and a steroid. After that everything went fine and after three hours the Paclitraxel was finished and they started the Carboplatin. With all this we got home just in time for American Idol ... well we missed the first babe..... I take some meds to control nausea and other stuff so I feel pretty much the same. Rose says that I look really red which I guess is the process of loosing my hair. That's really the worst part .... being bald!!! ;-) I got the study drug which I take every day between the chemo treatments. I don't know if it's a placebo or the real thing.

Things are starting to look like spring here on the farm .. already had 3 new baby cows and someone has purchased new fruit trees for spring planting. It's time to move Jim-bo back to the bachelor field (poor guy).


Anonymous said...

Gosh darnit! You hit the lottery and it's the wrong one! Don't it figure. I'm sorry to hear you'll be bald. Try not to let it disturb you, I'm sure you'll look very handsome with no hair...wait a minute...


Anonymous said...

And there's nothing wrong with being naked on top! Remember, no maitenance (for the old gringo gay type)! Glad to see your post and hope things get better. Think about you and Rose often. I saw Di the other day, she's busy keeping up with BC.
Speaking of babes, how are your nurses?

Anonymous said...

Did Rose tell you I called with worry because you haven't posted? We had a long chat. Hope you are restful in your cool blue living room. Bald is a good thing and very much in fashion, hell! look at Britney Spears. Luv Joanne

Anonymous said...

You and Michael Jordan. Not bad company...for Jordan!

Glad you're doing better- Wayne Remington

Unknown said...

Hey Roger,

I just want you to know I am still rooting for you out here in the great northwest.

I had hoped to hear that you'd made it out to the Bluegrass cruise (wasn't it in february?)

Good luck making it through your current chemo protocol. I'm praying it's the ONE for you, and that you can soon push melanoma behind you.

Fight Strong! Kick Mel's butt, and remember, melanoma is allergic to the bluegrass music. Pickaway!

dian in spokane,
battling melanoma since 1983

Arbo said...

Just as an update as he probably will not be updating this blog any further. For those that do not know, he is weak, and at the point of being bedridden. The melenoma is winning this battle.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rose, Paul and Jenny,
I am so sad to hear of Rogers passing.
Every time I hear or see a dulcimer i will think of Roger.